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                Service telephone:86-0411-86489033 86491947 Welcome to the DALIAN SONGLONE PUMP GROUP CO., LTD.
                Location:English >> Product >> 浏览文章

                Petrochemical Process Pump

                Time:2022年04月15日 人气: 来源:本站原创

                Petrochemical Process Pump

                Overview: The petrochemical process pump design is based on API610 (Tenth Edition) and VDMA24297 (light / medium) specification transporting low temperature or high temperature liquid, and neutral or corrosive liquid, clean or liquid with solid particles.
                Applications: SSZA petrochemical process pump can be used in oil refinery petrochemical plant, coal chemical industry, fertilizer, chemical fiber plant, heating and air condition field, paper, water supply, producing chlorine , platform in sea
                Flow rate : ~2400m3 / h
                Head : ~250m
                Working pressure : ~2.5mpa
                Working temperature : -80 ~ +450 ℃
                Shaft seal: single mechanical seal, double mechanical seals, dynamic seals and packing seal can be equipped with cooling, flushing or sealing liquid system, choose according to user requirements.
                Transmission medium:
                Various temperatures and concentrations of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid and other inorganic acids and organic acids;
                Various temperatures and concentrations of alkaline solution such as sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate;
                Various salt solution;
                All liquid petrochemical products, organic compounds, and other corrosive materials and products.
                Material: present the companys corrosion-resistant materials, can meet the requirements of the various media. When ordering, please provide the details to the transmission medium.







